Logan Ferguson, Austin Street Center’s Veterans Case Manager, received the Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance (MDHA) Case Manager of the Year 2019 Award.
“As a case manager, it’s my job to empower our clients and provide the resources, but it’s up to them to make things happen,” said Logan. “It makes me proud when they are able to realize their full potential and work to end their homelessness.”
Logan has been a team member at Austin Street Center for three years. In addition to his commitment to clients, Logan also has a passion for networking and community leadership.
“When faced with a problem as big as homelessness, we can choose to feel powerless and overwhelmed, or we can believe we are part of something bigger and work together,” said Logan.
He meets weekly with Veterans Affairs when they are on campus to visit with clients, in addition to his work on the Veterans By-Name List (BNL) Committee. Logan also led Austin Street’s efforts in the 2019 Veterans Challenge, meeting multiple times with MDHA staff. His efforts resulted in a dozen clients being housed within the 90-day challenge.
“Logan has been a constant encouraging presence on our team,” said Dustin Perkins, Director of Client Services. “It has been reported that our community partners see Logan as the most consistent attendee of the BNL Committee, delivering an engaged and helpful presence multiple times monthly. He also volunteered to become the housing priority list expert at Austin Street Center, despite an already heavy load of demands in attending additional community meetings.”
This is the third year in a row that an Austin Street case manager has won the MDHA Case Manager of the Year Award.