Support Austin Street Center on the May 5th North Texas Giving Tuesday Now. Early giving is available now through May 4. Thank you, Dallas Cowboys, Communities Foundation of Texas, and United Way of Metropolitan Dallas for spearheading this special effort to raise critical funds for COVID-19 relief and recovery.
Our homeless response system is stepping up to the challenge, while operating under unusual constraints. For more than 36 years, Austin Street Center has worked tirelessly to bring an end to homelessness in North Texas, and we are committed to the health, safety and well-being of our clients, despite these unchartered times.
According to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, homeless individuals infected by COVID-19 are twice as likely to be hospitalized, two to four times as likely to require critical care, and two to three times as likely to die than the general population.
It is our mission and sincere desire to continue to take care of those who need us—despite the challenges we face. Together, we must take care of those who need us. Together, we will prevail and emerge stronger.